Kick off Conference – Centara Grand, Bangkok Thailand

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Pellentesque luctus eget ex ut ullamcorper. Praesent ultricies venenatis sapien, nec finibus mauris efficitur in. Cras quis metus metus. Duis tristique magna non massa rutrum varius. Aenean a neque id nulla porttitor dictum sed eu elit. Nulla accumsan vel mi sed luctus. Nam eu arcu sed dui vulputate interdum. Pellentesque ultrices, nunc id aliquet scelerisque, arcu massa aliquet diam, eget interdum libero justo auctor neque. In dignissim posuere mauris eget consectetur.


Gone are the days where technology is all about up selling key specifications of a product and while the next generation of products are designed for Millennials, our Client’s retail partners are at the prime of Generation X. Understanding the demographics of our customers and our Client’s objectives, we took conference management to the next level by bringing technology to life through different user experience touch points and the client won over the retail partners and its’ competition.
